Unlock SPC CODE Blackberry 8330/8530/9330/9350/9550/9630/9670 via USB
buat yg punya BB CDMA, yg sudah jalan di satu operator dan pengen ganti operator tapi ngga tau SPC codenya ( dimana ini akan ditanyakan jika agan mau inject ke gallery operator CDMA spt SMARTFREN ato ESIA..)
software yg dibutuhin :
-Desktop Manager BB ver 5.0
-UNICDMA ver 3.1.4 download disini http://depositfiles.com/files/rtc3608as
-FILE LOADER BB download disini http://www.mediafire.com/?495rs9d32ozxs99 pass :cuf0008
SEBELUM MELAKUKAN BB harap dibackup supaya data kontak dan data bb nanti bisa direstore saat SPC CODE sudah selesai di write
1. Start Desktop Manager BB...BB disambungkan lewat usb, tunggu sampe terkoneksi
2. Klik FILE LOADER BB sesuai tipe BB agan...klik aja dia akan jalan sendiri, pilih sesuai seri BB agan...jangan salah ya
maaf kalo ini kaga ada penampakannya soalnya pas proses dia masuk ke window CMD
3. Saat proses no 2 selesai BB anda kan muncul warna PUTIH BLANK dengan tulisan " NO APPLICATION LINKED" jangan kuatir karena ini memang yg kita cari ( DAN PLEASE JANGAN COPOT BB dari USB ANDA ), juga di DM ngga akan didetect BB nya, biarkan saja.....
penampakan :
4. Start UNICDMA :
-pilih SETUP ( set COM port BB anda), caranya : masuk ke mycomputer, pilih system, pilih hardware dan pilih device manager, lihat di PORTS..disitu cari yg RIM VIRTUAL SERIAL PORTS...ada 2 pilih yg nomornya besar, ex: kalo COMPORT 3 dan COMPORT 4, berarti nanti yg dipake di UNICDMA set COMPORT 4..
-pilih baud rate 115200,
-pilih MODE ( ganti dengan QUALCOMM ), karena BB prosesornya semua pake QUALLCOM
-klik MONITOR, untuk melihat keterangan nanti waktu SPC CODE di write, sukses ato ngga..
-pilih MAIN ( di SEC.CODE masukkan kode yg anda inginkan ex : 000000) klik WRITE SPC...ini yg kita cari
-tunggu sebentar sampai keluar tulisan SPC WRITE SUCCEDED
-sampai disini berati BERAPAPUN CODE SPC yg sudah ada, sudah direset menjadi seperti yg anda inginkan.
penampakan :
5. Masuk ke Desktop Manager, pilih APPLICATION LOADER, pilih UPDATE SOFTWARE...biarkan dia jalan dan tunggu sampai proses update selesai dan BB siap dipakai, ( ini untuk mengisi BB dengan Operation System supaya BB bisa beroperasional lagi...)
6. ketik ##000000 atau kode apapun yg tadi anda masukan dan tekan tombol TELP, anda akan masuk ke layar CDMA Service Edit Screen
penampakan seperti ini
7. DAN didalamnya ITU adalah data UNIK BB agan YG DIPERLUKAN cs GALLERY operator CDMA untuk meng inject nomor baru ( anda mo gonta ganti berapa kalipun pasti akan berhasil)
nyruput dari sini
ane tambahin dikit2 biar para newbie kaga bingung, kalo masih ada yg mo ditanyakan silahkan PM aja, senang bisa membantu....
ILMU PENGETAHUAN bagaikan BERAS yg ngga akan habis dimakan sendiri, daripada menunggu yg ngga dimakan BASI dan MUBAZIR, alangkah baiknya jika kau berbagi bila kau sudah kenyang..
For All type of Blackberry ( CDMA ) version from 8330,8530, 9330, 9350,9630, 9670....other series of cdma phone may work too!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday, November 13, 2011
how to read/write/unlock/reset your Blackberry SPC cod
get these software :
1.UNICDMA any version ( mine was 3.1.4 ) http://depositfiles.com/files/rtc3608as
2.Loader File http://www.mediafire.com/?495rs9d32ozxs99 pass:cuf0008
3.Blackberry Desktop Manager ( below ver 5.0 )
important :
!!!must always connect your BB to your PC through USB, from the start until the end..!!
this is what you've got to do :
(run your DM connect your BB with your PC, wait until it's connected)
1. use the loader file according to your BB ( cdma ) series
2. after " no application linked " and white screen come across..run the UNICDMA
3. in UNICDMA, SETUP your COM port, click on the MONITOR tab, choose QUALLCOM on the MODE tab, choose your own spc code o( 6 digit )n the security lock on LOCKS tab, and click on WRITE SPC..
4. wait until the SPC WRITE success...
5. re install your BB os with DM to restart your BB, choose upgrade software, follow the instruction ( because even after you succeded writing your SPC, your BB is still on " no application linked " condition.
6. wait until it's done...try your new SPC code with ##yourspccode ( 6 digit )
7. it it works you should be able to see the CDMA security edit screen, the information here is necessary for you to change CDMA provider..
hope it helps you as it help me!
get these software :
1.UNICDMA any version ( mine was 3.1.4 ) http://depositfiles.com/files/rtc3608as
2.Loader File http://www.mediafire.com/?495rs9d32ozxs99 pass:cuf0008
3.Blackberry Desktop Manager ( below ver 5.0 )
important :
!!!must always connect your BB to your PC through USB, from the start until the end..!!
this is what you've got to do :
(run your DM connect your BB with your PC, wait until it's connected)
1. use the loader file according to your BB ( cdma ) series
2. after " no application linked " and white screen come across..run the UNICDMA
3. in UNICDMA, SETUP your COM port, click on the MONITOR tab, choose QUALLCOM on the MODE tab, choose your own spc code o( 6 digit )n the security lock on LOCKS tab, and click on WRITE SPC..
4. wait until the SPC WRITE success...
5. re install your BB os with DM to restart your BB, choose upgrade software, follow the instruction ( because even after you succeded writing your SPC, your BB is still on " no application linked " condition.
6. wait until it's done...try your new SPC code with ##yourspccode ( 6 digit )
7. it it works you should be able to see the CDMA security edit screen, the information here is necessary for you to change CDMA provider..
hope it helps you as it help me!
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